Lifestyle blogger, photographer, mother to my son Boden and frenchie Smalls, wife to my hubs Trevor. I built this space in an attempt to inspire you to find your edit and empower you to create the life you desire. Through digital content and honest storytelling, I hope to guide you along the way. Because everyone has an edit, and I'm here to help you find yours.
Get To Know Me
01. Style
02. Life
03. Wellness
I can hardly believe it’s a brand new year, let alone decade. The last ten years were full of significant milestones — moving to Seattle, meeting Trevor, buying a home… (view the yearly recap here). And while this last year was most definitely the most major of milestones — having our first baby, it seems to have gone by in such a blink. So fast that I barely scratched the surface with my long list of 2019 goals. Which is why, this year, I’m taking a different approach.
Setting goals on New Year’s Eve has been a tradition between Trevor and me for some time now. What started off as the two of us sitting by our space heater in our loft apartment with cheap champagne and a massive notepad, has evolved into us celebrating our year at dinner over a nice bottle of wine and adding to a shared note on our phones. We come with our personal goals and then collaborate on our collective ones.
I specifically remember at last year’s dinner, Trevor urging me to settle the hell down when I had prepared an embarrassingly long list of items broken down across seven categories. I was pregnant at the time, 3 months to be exact, but feeling good. I had a burst of motivation to get all the things I wanted to do before baby out of the way. But he was right, as usual. And I set myself up, again, for unrealistic expectations.
I knocked a few personal things out of the park such as practicing meditation, staying fit and sticking to a daily schedule — but when it came to the many I created around business for this brand and for launching a product, I didn’t come close to scratching the surface. I underestimated the amount of transition that would take place in the year I brought life into the world. All the fears I had about losing myself and getting off track from my ambitious career goals after having a baby, were in fact true. The trick is just recognizing that it doesn’t last forever.
So after this last year of learning and to prepare for what’s ahead, I’ve decided it’s time to make some changes to how I approach 2020. Being realistic in the goals I set. Changing my mindset to view the new year as an opportunity for growth and not just for accomplishments. Which is why instead of goal setting, I’m going to zero in on a few words to carry me through.
Choosing your word or words of the year can be done by simply listing out words that speak to you — I listed out about ten. Then, highlight the one, two or three that actually align with the goals you have in your head.
Here are the three I’ve decided on with target areas underneath each — because I’m still an achiever at heart… 😉
If you’re interested in following this practice for 2020, here’s a list of words to help you get started.
“Be optimistic, dream realistic.”
In order to stay the course this year, I’ve also decided to choose a mantra for every season — quarterly phrases if you will. When energy is put into reciting a mantra, there is a sense of healing that comes from the practice. Mantras have also been proven to help reduce stress, anxiety and anger while being an aid to reach one’s goals. I love this idea because it ladders up to my word of “focus”.
So what’s my mantra for Winter 2020? Well for starters, it makes me laugh. I’ve borrowed from my favorite Peloton instructor — the lovely, Cody Rigsby. But more importantly, it reminds me that there’s still something inside of me amidst all the chaos and change.
Want to find a mantra for this season as well? Here are some great ideas.
So that’s the deal. What’s yours?
Goals, no goals. Words, no words. Let’s keep each other accountable and have fun while we do it.
I see you, 2020.
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Lifestyle blogger, photographer, mother to my son Boden and frenchie Smalls, wife to my hubs Trevor.
I built this space in an attempt to inspire you to find your edit and empower you to create the life you desire. Through digital content and honest storytelling, I hope to guide you along the way. Because everyone has an edit, and I'm here to help you find yours.
Get To Know Me
Mother. Wife. Blogger. Photographer. I built this space in an attempt to inspire you to find your edit and empower you to create the life you desire. Through digital content and honest storytelling, I hope to guide you along the way. Because everyone has an edit, and I'm here to help you find yours.
Hi, I'm Cortney
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