— home office refresh in progress amidst coming up with this idea —
A new year means new content and today I’m pretty excited to share with you a brand new weekly series I’m kicking off — Friday Five.
Every Friday, I’ll be pubbing a list of 5 things I’m currently into; flavors of the week, shared with my faves.
You’ll get nuggets like who to follow… what jeans are on sale… what podcast you should listen to…
…catch my drift?
Whatever the 5 faves — I’ll make sure they’re fun, useful and that you can find joy in too. Bloggers Honor :).
So friends, without further adieu, I give you the first official Friday Five.
What I’m writing in —
The cutest planner I found the other day that I plan to write in every day of 2018 and stay organized. You know, because 2018 goals. And oh, it’s under $10!
Who I’m loving on Instagram —
@thecurrentblonde — my latest #instacrush. This girl’s style is pure gold and her aesthetic on the gram is to die for. Give this babe a follow!
Podcast I’m listening to —
Girlboss Radio with Sophia Amoruso (like on the daily). Fave one thus far is with Amber Venz Box, President & Co-Founder at rewardStyle & LIKEtoKNOW.it, who talks about how her and her now husband started the company alongside advice on building your brand and leverage your strengths. Listen here.
What I’m eating —
Trevor and I are back on the subscription meal train again. I mean seriously, you think at age 32 we could figure out how to grocery shop. Well, if you’re looking for one to try, this is our fave.
Song I’m singing (and dancing) to —
I first heard this mid-deep in a sweaty at-home Peloton workout — check it here and get ready to move. Then meet me in the club.
Have a good weekend, YA.
// cb ✌????